My Birth Certificate
I was born on Midsummer's Eve, 1954. That's the ancient one, the 23rd of
June, the night before the old Midsummer's Day of June 24.
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream was set upon this
night. It is one of the most pagan nights of the year.
"13, Brownhill Row" (my certificate) and "13, Pea Royd Lane" are the same address, Brownhill's row of houses being the only houses in Pea Royd Lane.
Brownhill's row of houses standing in Pea Royd Lane. Number
13 is next to the right hand end.
Note Pea Royd Lane going up in the background.
Upon the night of my birth: Young people performing pagan Midsummer Circle Dances. These were done in this area until as late as the 1800s. They are still practised in Cornwall.