An American newspaper report of Robert Lathrope's death. The publication, which bears the date 28 Feb 1891, was a semi-weekly, probably the Semi-weekly Standard. It refers to him as one of the last of the old pioneers.



Death of a Veteran

One by one the old veterans and pioneers of this great West are gathered to their Maker. Last among them was Robert Lathrop, aged 80, who died on Sunday afternoon at Uintah Flat, where he has resided for some years past. The many friends of the old gentleman will be much shocked by the news of his demise, but they could expect little else, he having passed the life limit generally allotted to mortal man.

Undertaker George W. Larkin, called by dispatch, went to Uintah on Monday, and brought back the remains which were interred in the Ogden cemetery yesterday.

The deceased has long been a resident of Utah and his friends are many. His life has been above reproach and he was true to his religion and convictions.

Newspaper cutting: Courtesy Virginia May Evans, daughter of May Barrett Evans, descendant of Robert Lathrope, and my 3rd cousin. Los Angeles, California.

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