What's Wrong With Britain?
-- or --
What No Politician Will Ever Tell You
you ever wondered why, no matter who you voted for, it never, ever made a
difference of more than a few quid a week in your pocket?
that's a bit strange if you think on it, because if any particular politician or
party could make a real difference in
your living standard, then they would -- so that they'd be your hero and you'd
vote for them for ever more, right?
why don't they then?
the clue to the answer lies in the question. The plain and simple truth is that
they can't --and the reason they can't is not something which any politician
will ever be honest enough to tell you.
imagine a ship full of colonists on a new planet. It sails the oceans and comes
upon a vast land where there is gold, silver and all kinds of minerals, the
sun shines warmly and allows any crop to be grown at any time of year, and upon
this land the ship sets down 1,000 colonists.
another ship, also with 1,000 hopeful colonists, is less fortunate. It can only
find a small, 84,000 square mile island, with no gold, no silver, few minerals,
poor light levels, and a very short growing season as the island shivers in the
cold greyness of a northern sea. Reluctantly, it sets down its colonists.
later, we go back to the planet to see how they are making out.
first land is, as we might expect, booming. Their population has swollen to 280
million but there are still only 50 people to every square mile, and the wealth
generated by their land, when shared out between them, gives each a very high
living standard. The taxes they can afford to pay also gives them the best
services which money can buy.
the second land is faring far less well. Its population has only risen to 66
million, but their island is so small that they now have over
one thousand on every single square mile. They
couldn't feed themselves even years ago when they were only 30 million strong,
and now, despite advances in agriculture they still have to import half their
food. When the wealth generated by their cold little island is shared out among
all those people, they are all pretty short of money: each household is in debt
to the tune of $1,700 average, and when they pay tax on their income, which most
of them can ill afford to do, their tax money can only buy them services,
--education, hospitals, policing-- which are overburdened by the sheer
population, and understaffed through lack of money. Now where does that remind
you of?
perhaps you have guessed already. In reality, of course, the planet is this one,
the first country is America and the second one is Britain. Sixty-two per
cent of British people would willingly leave if only they had the money, or the
bottle, to live abroad. And nowhere else in the developed world are a people so
disillusioned with their own country.
order to see even more clearly the true nature of the problem facing the
British, we can re-run the example above, but this time we'll invent some
round numbers just to illustrate the overall point.
the first country, suppose their population is 1,000 and their land can generate
$1,000 million each year. That works out at $1,000,000 each. Out of that, they
pay taxes of, say, 10% only, which therefore generates $100 million for
hospitals, schools, defence and policing, --all for just 1,000 people. You can
imagine their living standard!
now in the same country let us
increase the population to 100 million. Remember there is only enough gold and
minerals in the ground, and only enough sunshine and growing area, to generate
$1,000 million each year. This shares itself out through monetary circulation so
that this time each person now only gets $10 a year.
that's only half the story, because when they have to pay tax, to fund their
services, they can only afford to pay a few cents each (and in truth they can't
even afford that), let's say 10 cents each, and so their Treasury raises 100
million lots of 10 cents = $10 million. But-- this has to pay for an INCREASED
service demand of more hospitals, more schools and more policing for all those
extra people.
find themselves overstretched and underfunded, with their country going nowhere.
these problems are instantly recognisable to any Briton -- they are the very
problems which he is always reading about as well as experiencing.
notice that these problems are beyond the powers of any politician to
solve, because they are not political problems!
They are geographical, agricultural, climatological, and demographic problems.
And that, in a nutshell, is why no politician ever made a difference of more
than a few quid a week in your pocket.
-- have you ever seen any politician come on television and honestly admit to
all this? Or even talk about it?
these people are even more wretched than we first thought. After all, if they
know all the above -- and they clearly do; they're highly educated and well
trained people; they're not stupid-- and still all they can do is stand up in
front of you and go "Verily, verily I say to you...vote for me...",
then obviously they are using you purely for their own
gain, having secretly written off your own hopes years ago as something which
secretly they can do very little about.
only redeeming quality -- if you can call it that-- is that if they could
help you, then they would, so that you'd vote for them for evermore.
they don't, for the simplest of all reasons -- because they can't.
I have a very practical, down-to-earth gut-feeling that the reason more and more
people are just not bothering to go and vote in elections is because their
subconscious minds at least have cottoned on to what I
have written above, and that politicians are disconnected somehow from the
country's true problems.
now that we have finally seen the truth, we can realise that the only way for a
British family to gain itself a better living standard, with better services in
a better climate -- is to uproot and migrate to another country with better
underlying vital statistics. And in doing that, they will also of course be
playing their small part in increasing living standards at home, by making their
humble contribution towards relieving the burden of overpopulation.
note: immigrants.
UK has several million immigrants, almost all of whom originate from countries
which, without the consent of their people, were invaded by the British and
incorporated into their empire. These British Empire citizens, as they became,
were perfectly entitled to move back and forth throughout the dominions,
including to the ‘mother country.”
there are in the UK many racist individuals and groups who, shameless of the
fact that these other nations did not ask to be invaded and subjugated, demand
that these non-indigenous people be thrown out of the country.
bigots need to be reminded that without Asian doctors and nurses the NHS
(Britain’s health system) would collapse overnight, and that Asian small
businesses are very enterprisingly and efficiently run by people who are
prepared to work long hours whereas most indigenous Brits would rather go on
strike for extra income…. and in any event, for as long as the UK has to
import half its food, then to tread water economically it would have to chuck
out half its population, or about 33 million people,
most of whom would be white indigenous Brits because there’s nothing like that
number of immigrants in Britain.
are nothing to do with Britain’s problems and if instead the Brits expelled
millions of uneducated, untrained white boot-boys instead of their Asian
doctors, businessmen and scientists, the country would move forward much faster
than the other way around.
roots of Britain's problems. (-->
means "is caused by")
1). High
house prices --> high demand --> fewer houses than
buyers --> no space to build more (it is needed by industry and agriculture)
--> ie. too many buyers for the available space. Underlying cause:
2) Poor
public services (Health, Education, Policing) --> too
many people using them for the amount of funding they receive --> each person
not paying enough tax --> each person can't afford to pay more tax -->
each person doesn't get a big enough share of the country's generated wealth
--> there are too many people for the natural wealth-generating capacity of
the country. Underlying cause: Overpopulation.
High crime levels (a) --> poor policing --> poor public services-->
(this now connects to (2) above. Underlying cause: Overpopulation).
High Crime levels (b) --> Unemployment --> more people than the maximum
number of jobs that the country can create from its natural wealth-generating
capacity. Underlying cause: Overpopulation.
High Crime levels (c)--> Drug usage --> drugs getting into the country
--> poor policing --> poor public services--> (this now connects to (2)
above. Underlying cause: Overpopulation)
High pollution levels --> too many people per square mile. Underlying cause:
Facts About Britain.
Britain is the only concentrated population centre on the planet (either
hemisphere) which lies at such a cold latitude. 98% of Humanity lives in a
warmer climate than Britain. To the east, there is only Scandinavia (which lives
well due to its low population harvesting all its resources. Sweden for example
is twice the size of Britain but has a population less than London, while
Iceland, the size of England and a mineralogist's dream, shares its wealth among
a national population about the size of Barnsley's), and the frozen wastes of
Siberia. To the west, there is only mid-northern Canada. The Shetlands are
further north than the southern tip of Greenland. Contrary to what it teaches
its children, Britain is not a
temperate country. The average latitude is 55 degrees north, and the Arctic
proper begins at 66 north, a mere 11 degrees further. So where, then, is the
sub-arctic if this isn't it? It is Italy, Greece, Spain and central/southern
France which are temperate.
England (as distinct from Britain) has the highest population density on
the planet, with the singular exception of Bangladesh. England's population
density is six times worse than China's.
Britain is the worst in Europe for:-
Rights, democracy, secrecy, detention without trial, Bill of Rights ( you can't
have one), Written Constitution (you can't have one), miscarriages of justice
(police framing), education standards, crime levels across the board,
pollution levels including acid rain, drug abuse, prison population, homeless
people, prices across the board, hospital waiting lists, unemployment (although
the figures are cooked: if you catch the politicians out by counting from the
other end, and considering how many people are in "proper, paid jobs"
then subtracting that from the total adult unretired population, the true
unemployment figure is 4.8 million), drinking water quality, beach quality, and
marriage break-ups. Each of these problems has at least one root cause in the
psychological behaviour of human beings (naturally rural, tribal creatures which
evolved in small populations) towards each other when they have found themselves
confined in unnaturally dense groups.
To Make Britain Boom: The Michael Solution
will boom economically if we implement the following plan:
Tell businessmen and entrepeneurs abroad that if they bring their
factories here, then they will pay no tax whatsoever, providing:
They employ only British workers
They export all they produce and keep their money in Britain.
Of course, there will in this country be a considerable amount of whingeing from
local (ie British) businessmen about their having to pay tax when their rivals
don't. But these foreign businessmen are not their rivals as they are exporting
everything and not selling it locally. They are only the rivals of British
exporters. But under this plan Britain would also gain a lot more than it would
lose, by allowing its own exporters tax exemption too (subject to the same
Of course other countries could retaliate by adopting the idea themselves. But
here we can draw positively on what is really an intrinsically negative aspect
of the British-- their fear of change and their negative attitudes towards new
adventurous ideas. “Nothing ventured, nothing lost”. The practical truth is
that more foreigners will have the bottle to uproot and come to the UK, than
British will have the bottle to uproot and go abroad. Therefore there will
be a net immigration, not emigration, of businessmen, their capital and their
have you ever heard this plan suggested by a politician? Bah humbug!
It’s too big!
Michael Alan Marshall