Desiderata Curiosa

Michael Alan Marshall



Desirably interesting curiosities discovered by myself in the backroads and byways of history, as well as my personal website covering my research, inventions, discoveries, views and beliefs.

The name of this site is in dedication to Francis Peck’s Desiderata Curiosa of 1732, in which he too reveals curiosities from the margins of history,
although his material was neither researched nor discovered by himself but merely collected together,
whereas most of my material is from my own research and discoveries.

Enjoy -- but please first read the notices at the bottom of this page.


Please follow the links below to navigate the site.

The History of the Michael, from the Earliest Times to the Present.

On my Travels


My Research Projects:


The Mystery of King John's Lost Crown Jewels. In 1980 I Discovered the Cause -- a Forgotten Tidal Surge – and the Tide had been Going the Other Way!

Pirate Treasure: I solve a British Museum Treasure Map and Find a Mystery Island

The Real Lolita: The World Believes that Sally Horner was the Inspiration for Vladimir Nabokov’s Famous Novel. No she Wasn’t -- I Discover a String of Coincidences which Surpass Belief, which Lead me to Another Girl – and I Kept it Secret for Years.

In North America the Vikings First Landed in Newfoundland, say Archaeologists. No They Didn’t – I Track Down the Real, Still Unexplored Place.

Starquest: I Buried a Jewel and Wrote a Book Containing Clues to its Location. NOW RE-LAUNCHED! A GBP 5,000 PRIZE!

Mike’s Famous Missing Stiffs of History. What Became of the Tombs and Bodies of Famous Historical People.

I Find a Missing Portuguese Treasure Galleon Wreck in South Africa – They Ran it up a Remote Beach!  *STILL CONFIDENTIAL*

The Titanic: 4 Ways in which Everyone could have been Saved

The Day an Evil Genius Did Good: A Small Demonstration of How Hitler could have Benefitted the World

My Inventions, and Ideas for Future Devices

The Water in your Glass – What’s it Been Getting Up To this Past 4 Billion Years?

Nutty Laws of the USA and the UK. Old Laws they Forgot to Repeal – some of which Allow Murder.


Not from my research – I wrote these out of interest:


The Legendary Merlin: Did He -- And Arthur -- Really Exist?

Did Robin Hood Really Exist? Yes but there were TWO of Them

Need a Cash Injection? Just go to the Casino and Work the Roulette Caper


My Views and Beliefs: The Deliberations of The Michael

The Cosmos According to Michael

What's Wrong with Britain? -- or-- What No Politician Will Ever Tell You

Education : The System is Too Academic!

Why Christianity is a Fraud: The Real Jesus -- and How Souls Can't Exist

Systems of Government: Liberty from First Principles: The Golden Rule and the Michael No-Party State

Why Did America go to the Moon? Believe it or not, it was a National Emergency that had Little to do with the Moon.

What's Wrong with the Medical Profession?

Vegetarianism: Is it Really Right?

Homosexuality: Is it Natural?

The Great Global Warming Con --- Sensationalists are Concealing that Fossil Fuels are Running Out!

BBC Television Licences: The Great Broadcasting Disgrace

Life in the Cosmos: Have we Ever Been Visited?

Why Hitler was Wrong. An accurate Rundown of Just Who is Superior and Why

Northern Ireland: Who's Lost Track of Right and Wrong?

Will Dinosaurs Ever Walk Again?

The Loch Ness Monster: Does Nessie Really Exist?

The Israeli – Palestinian Conflict: Is this solution Barmy Enough to Work?

My Favourite Poem: Kipling’s ‘If’



My Family Tree


Ricardian Website:  Richard III -- The Most Maligned King in English History?


Website Front Page


Copyright Notice

All material on this website which is personally researched, composed and written by Michael Alan Marshall entirely from his own ideas projects and views is Copyright (C) 1975 - 2024 Michael Alan Marshall. None of the material may be reproduced without the written permission of the author.


Access to this website is subject to the reader’s agreement with the author that anything contained herein which is stated as fact is so stated with Literary Licence only and is actually the freely stated honest opinion of the author, held by him in accordance with his interpretation of the evidence and the facts, and expressed by him in accordance with his right to free speech and to freedom of expression, and that the author is not liable for any consequence arising from the reading of his work.


[email protected]

Please Note: I do not reply to enquiries from other journalists who are attempting to obtain, for their own profit, information from my files, which I have gone to much time, inconvenience and expense to discover. This has occurred in the past and consequently I will not divulge, under any circumstances whatsoever, any additional information on any of the stories contained herein.