
The System Is Too Academic!


Most kids are not on the same wavelength as the tuition they receive.


Every 12 year old British kid is taught that in a right-angled triangle, sine = opposite/ hypotenuse, cosine = adjacent/ hypotenuse, and tangent = opposite / adjacent.

Fascinating. But how many of them ever need it for anything? I'm a math tutor myself, and the only time I ever needed it was to get money by teaching it to others who also won't ever need it.

They are taught Shakespeare, Milton , Byron and Keats, Latin and the Greek Classics,... and the very next time we look around, all the delinquents and truants are choosing to remain delinquents and truants by ducking off school.

I can't think why....

And then, when they are compelled to attend school, all they can do is misbehave. (, that)

It is a profound truth about the education system in the UK, that apart from the three "R"s, the great mass of the people don't even begin to learn what they need to know to make their way in the world, until they have already left school.

I'm not suggesting by this that we should only teach them the basics; but I am suggesting that for many kids, the system is simply too academic and needs to be re-tailored to suit not only their realistic down to earth needs, but also their intrinsic, mostly practically orientated abilities and aptitudes.

A large component of delinquency at school is due to the fact that the kids just do not want to be there. But in turn there are some fairly obvious reasons why they don't want to be there. Can you imagine for example the psychological reaction of a rough delinquent kid who was barred from English Literature classes? Why, he'd* laugh; he'd even breathe a sigh of relief and the teacher would accuse him of being shamelessly incapable of embarrassment. Now picture the reaction of the very same kid barred from a lesson in which they have to build a motorcycle or a car from scratch. He'd be embarrassed. He'd feel humiliated, belittled and socially rejected.

Same one kid , same one personality!

On the academic spectrum the existing system is simply nowhere near the wavelength of these more practically orientated kids and makes them feel like alienated fish out of water. And the more they are threatened by staff, to the effect that they'll never "succeed" in life unless they toe the line and achieve good results, the more they are reminded of just how alien a system they are being subjected to. And this in turn hardly does anything to reduce the likelihood of their venting these induced frustrations with misbehaviour, violence and crime.

In addressing these problems we do not need to return to the old Grammar/Secondary Modern system as has been suggested by some; all we need do is re-tailor the existing Comprehensive system so that it becomes less academic for those whose best abilities, although perhaps as extensive -- and more useful -- than those of some of us, are not academic by nature.

Consequently --for those people-- out should go English literature and Latin, and in should come automotive engineering (fixing cars), plumbing, hairdressing, electronics, the practicalities of running a small business, and all the rest.

And watch the truancy problem cure itself!

Further, it is also the democratic duty of the state to supply the needs of the people. Clearly, as we have seen, its education chiefs are not doing that. Instead, they have inherited an archaic, Victorian system where the notion of  "betterment" necessarily meant excelling in the Literature and the Arts, or (note, to a lesser extent i.e. it would be considered less "excellent") in Science, in other words departing from the mundanity of everyday life in a spiritually elevating way; and they have simply peddled that system on to successive generations with only a superficial amount of reformation in that sense, without ever realising that most kids do not need, or want, to depart from the ‘mundanity’ of everyday life; on the contrary they need to harmonise with and become better at it!

And in this, we are effectively defining the need for a more realistically orientated education system.

--- Michael Alan Marshall

* The vast majority are male.


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