The Great Global Warming Con

The Sun is causing global warming, and sensationalists are concealing the fact that fossil fuels are running out!



In the 1990s climatologists made millions by alarming us about fossil fuels running out, then they switched to the even more profitable
claim that global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels and is going to wipe us out -- hoping that we hadn’t noticed that
the two are contradictory.
Meantime 500 of their professorly superiors alerted the UN about them, but even today they still get away with it.

Oh woe, woe and thrice woe! The world is warming up and we're all going to drown! Well, we've all heard this warning, each of us more times than we'd care to remember. But just how accurate is it?

The concern is of course about the levels of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere. CO2 is called a greenhouse gas. This means that it is capable of trapping the sun's heat and warming the earth, rather like wrapping a blanket around it. This in turn will cause the polar caps to melt, so that sea levels all around the world will rise, by a up to 350 feet if all the ice on earth turns to liquid water.

Large amounts of Carbon dioxide are being produced by the worldwide burning of fossil fuels (mostly oil and coal) in thousands of power stations and in the burning of oil derivatives such as diesel and gasoline, through billions of cars.

And between them, they are pumping 33 billion tons of CO2 into the earth's atmosphere every single year.

Here of course is very fertile ground indeed, for environmentalists, scientists and journalists to carve out careers for themselves by researching or reporting on the matter.

But just how serious a problem is it really?

Firstly, well yes, global temperatures have indeed been increasing, throughout the latter part of the 20th Century. But very careful measurements and analyses, involving the study of growth rings in tree species which are particularly sensitive to temperature change, and of the north-south migration of similarly sensitive shellfish, have shown that the overall temperature increase over this period since the Industrial Revolution has only been 0.6 deg C.  Future forecasts vary enormously, but even the worst of these only predicts a temperature rise, over the next 100 years, of 4 deg C. which is only sufficient to melt enough of the polar caps to raise sea levels by just 2 inches.

Perhaps, at this point, even the most environmentally conscious of us might begin to suspect that somebody is putting their careers first and accurate public enlightenment second. And the suspicion gets worse.

For the past 10,000 years, the earth has been climbing out of the last ice age. In the early part of the 20th century a Serbian astronomer, Milutin Milankovitch, calculated the effects on the amount of solar heat falling on the earth ("insolation") which would be caused by cyclic changes in the shape of the earth's orbit, in the earths axial tilt and in the actual distance of the earth from the sun due to the gravitational effects of the other planets as they all constantly pull and tug on each other. He plotted these changes on a graph, and then calculated what we call a resultant, an overall temperature-time graph which is caused by these three underlying graphs.

This resultant was found to tally very exactly with the known temperatures back through the most recent ice ages, and the warm periods in between, as measured from glacial and ocean floor core samples.

However, when we look at the temperature/CO2 graph we see something rather interesting, which anyone over the age of about 11, who has read graphs in science at school, would be able to see for themselves. The rise in CO2 does not precede, but follows the rise in temperature. The climatologists have got these two the wrong way round and even a kid could see it. In other words the temperature goes up first, and then, with a delay of about 700 years, the CO2 follows. So what is pushing up the temperature? Not the CO2, that’s for sure. Please watch the documentary linked below. It makes one wonder just how stupid the ‘experts’ think we are.



Detailed analysis of data from ice core samples. Any 11-year-old kid in science
class can see that the temperature goes up first, followed 800 years later
by the CO2. The CO2 rise cannot therefore be causing the temperature rise.
What’s actually happening is that life prefers a slightly warmer
climate, in which it thrives so that it then produces more CO2.
The warming and cooling are actually caused by changes in the earth’s orbit due to the
other planets pulling on the earth, and also to the sun being a slightly variable star.



This in turn leads us to wonder just how much -- or how little-- of this temperature rise has been due to man's activity at all.

It has long been suspected that, after Milankovitch, the CO2 increase due to industry is just too tiny to be responsible anything but a minuscule rise in global temperatures. For example, the present (natural) concentration of CO2 in the earths atmosphere is just 0.05%. That's just 1 part in 2000. But even at the present industrial CO2 production rate of 33 billion tons a year, it would take mankind five hundred and thirty years to increase the atmospheric level from 1 just 1 part in 2000, to 2 parts in 2000! And this presupposes that none of the industrially produced CO2 will be naturally broken down (by plants) into carbon and oxygen, whereas in fact most of it will be, and that none of it will be absorbed by the oceans, which again most of it will be.*

But our suspicions get even worse.

Have you noticed how some years ago it was all the rage among environmentalists, scientists and journalists, that fossil fuels were going to run out in the first part of the 21st century, and that unless we found alternative sources of power we’re all doomed? You see, in those days, before global warming was ever thought of, this was the "excuse" for environmentalists to cause alarm, for scientists to get research grant money and for journalists to put their Sunday roasts on the table.

But -- just a minute -- if fossil fuels are going to run out, then why are we worrying about global warming, as after all that is caused by burning fossil fuels, isn't it?

Realising this themselves, they saw that they couldn't have both capers going at once, and so they dropped the fossil-fuel-running-out one because the global warming one (in which whole continents are laid waste and we all drown) was both newer and more alarming and might give them much more research grant money to fatten their pay packets with.

This worked. In the last 20 years alone, the amount of money being put their way has increased tenfold.

But the problem is, that with these people behaving in such an irresponsible manner, constantly putting their own interests first and responsible public enlightenment second, the issue of just where the truth lies becomes somewhat occluded.

The truth is, unfortunately, that fossil fuels are running out, and will probably be more or less deplete by the middle of this century. But that in turn means that we have absolutely nothing to worry about on the matter of human-induced global warming.

In any case the interglacial periods, one of which the earth is now in, are rather pleasant experiences for the earth's fauna and flora if the fossil record is anything to go by. Back in Cretaceous times, for example, there was 9 times more CO2 in the atmosphere than there is now, the average annual temperature on Baffin Island, which was at the same latitude then as now, was +25C, there were no polar caps -- and life was booming. But now, some animals have, for the very first time in geological history, had to evolve fur coats. The fact is, that the Earth is simply not supposed to be as cool as it is today. **

Further in the matter of really having nothing to worry about regarding the consequences of industrial CO2 production, if we were to mine all of the remaining fossil fuels in the earth and "torch" them at once, the total CO2 produced would only be enough to raise global temperatures by about 2 deg C. and raise sea levels by just under an inch (in actual fact global temperatures would fall dramatically under this scenario, due to the nuclear winter caused by all the smoke – but that’s another matter).

However….. haven’t we glossed past something here? The world is very definitely warming up! And we’ve just seen, by applying a little basic commonsense, and no more powers of observation than those possessed by a schoolkid, that manmade CO2 is not the cause. So what is causing this?

Well, in addition to the Milankovitch phenomena, the sun is now known to be a slightly variable star which over recent millennia has had a period of just over 1,000 years.*** It also has a shorter cycle, known as the sunspot cycle of about 11 years, which has been known to us for centuries, but the larger one has, in effect, been hiding in plain sight as anyone with a basic knowledge of history can trace its effects through the centuries.

For example, 2000 years ago in Roman times it was possible to grow grapes in northern England. (it isn’t now; a few more degrees of warming will be necessary to allow it’s return). It was warm, a little warmer than now. Then, 500 years and half a cycle later, we come to the Dark Ages, and the Rhine was freezing over to such a degree that on the last day of AD 406 the Germanic hordes came swarming over it, poured into Roman Gaul and precipitated the complete collapse of the Roman Empire in the West.

Then another half cycle later, it’s 1000 AD, its warm again and the Vikings are colonizing Greenland, which at these times really is green, we now know; they weren’t exaggerating to attract colonists. Today we see it beginning to return to this situation while the alarmists, some of whom actually do know better, are exploiting this changing Greenland for all its worth. Meantime in England the cities, including northern ones like Lincoln and Widnes, were gaining such features as Vine Street, Vineyard Way, Vineyard Court and Vineyard Road. Advance another 500 years … it’s cold again… and we see Henry VIII, a big heavy lad, skating on the frozen river Thames in London. So the ice must have been reasonably thick to support his weight. Ice galas and fairs were also held on this frozen river every winter for a couple of centuries. The Thames doesn’t freeze over these days; it hasn’t done so for centuries.

Finally let’s advance another 500 years. That brings us to now and, you guessed, its warming up again. That’s because it’s supposed to be! ****

There’s also a common sense factor here as well, isn’t there? Consider for example the fact that CO2 is a weak greenhouse gas and is only present in the earth’s atmosphere at the level of 1 part in 2,000. Now consider water vapour – a far more powerful greenhouse gas – and the effect of the sun hitting the Pacific Ocean, almost half the earth’s surface, every single day! ***** On a wet day water vapour, far from making up only 1 part in 2000 of the air, can amount to 90 per cent of it by weight.  Climatologically, ignoring the sun and blaming CO2 is a bit like if your car was playing up and instead of looking at the powerful engine, which is the sun, or the transmission, which is the water vapour, you blamed a little bolt on the back somewhere. I’m afraid the science behind manmade global warming really is that bad.

Regarding these climatologists, at this point most of us, myself certainly, are beginning to smell a caper. They’ve done it before! First they said that the earth was flat, and everyone fell for it, despite the commonsense fact that if you stand on a beach, there before you is a horizon and ships can be seen disappearing over it. Flat earth = no horizon. Then they said the earth was at the centre of the universe and everyone fell for that, and then they said the earth was at the centre of the solar system and everyone fell for that …. why they’ve even had people running outside banging saucepans together every time there was an eclipse! And now they’re scaring you by telling you that fossil fuels are causing global warming, despite the commonsense outlined above, despite the fact that any 11 year old can read their graphs, and despite the fact that fossil fuels are running out!

Not long ago, these climatologists’ elite, five hundred top Professors of Climatology, wrote a joint letter to the United Nations decrying the actions of their subordinates and categorically denouncing human-caused global warming as a con, with influence and money as its motives.

Worse, almost 200 climatologists worldwide have been prosecuted for obtaining and attempting to obtain research grant money by deception, in other words, by telling you lies.

Mind you, the human race also has itself to blame for being so gullible. Notice how the flat earth thing was defused by the simple observation of ships going over the horizon, just as the present human induced global warming caper is easily defused by the proper reading of simple graphs -- and yet few seem to have noticed.

And so, all considered, and retaining the good old common sense that we must never allow to fail us, it seems that in reality the depleting fossil fuel supply, and not global warming, is what we need to worry about, and what we have to do as an imperative is find alternative ways of producing electricity and of powering cars, for reasons which are nothing to do with global warming.

Thankfully research has long been underway on the production of realistic amounts of alternative energy. Now nuclear power stations might have a dirty name, but there are other, perfectly clean, nuclear reactions which could produce vast quantities of electricity. One of these reactions is the fusion of hydrogen into helium in a thermonuclear fusion reactor. The fuel for this would actually be the hydrogen in sea water, which would give us a virtually limitless supply. This is one of the Holy Grails of physics but the required technology to do this still remains a little beyond us, as we're having some trouble producing the phenomenal temperatures required to get this particular reaction to work.****** But rapid advances are now being made, and a stage was reached only recently where more energy was finally released that was initially put in, even though the difference between the vast amount of energy put in, and the vast amount liberated, was only enough to boil a kettle. 

Also, more efficient batteries are on their way which can power electric cars for much greater distances, although we do have an ongoing environmental problem here in that the pollution caused by manufacturing these cars, especially their lithium-ion batteries, (together with the fact that no electric car is ever any cleaner than the mucky power station which charges it up),  cannot be made up for for years, thereby giving present electric cars little environmental gain. Another fad, I’m afraid, until we learn cleaner ways of producing them.


--- Michael Alan Marshall




* Water readily absorbs CO2 which is why we use CO2 to gas up our fizzy drinks. We can perform another commonsense thought experiment here: imagine the three neighbouring planets, Venus, Earth and Mars, stretching out from the sun in a row. Compared to the size of the solar system, they’re very close together and all formed out of the same material which was initially orbiting the sun in a dust belt. Now look at Venus and Mars. They both have no water and almost total CO2 atmospheres. Now look at Earth, right in between. It’s the opposite… 71 per cent covered in water -- and almost no CO2 (just 1 part in 2,000). On Earth, CO2 going into the atmosphere is grabbed by the oceans and absorbed. And when the oceans absorb too much, they dump it as carbonate sediments which is where the world’s limestone deposits including the UK’s beautiful Cliffs of Dover came from.

** This is because the Himalayas, which formed around 40 million years ago, are by earthly standards an unusually extensive and lofty mountain range, and the air which passes over them uplifts and cools, and then circulates around, effectively cooling the entire planet. The monsoon rains caused by this air condensing again when it comes back down, also prevents CO2 buildup by washing it out of the atmosphere.

*** The causes of solar variability: All stars, including the sun, form when a cloud of gas, usually part of a nebula, collapses under gravity. This creates a gaseous sphere, the centre of which is so hot, the kinetic energy of all those particles having fallen inwards over a distance of light years and then converted into heat energy, that nuclear fusion begins in the sphere as the particles are pushed together under the contraction of the mass.

However this causes a massive outward rush of particles, which try to blow the star apart. But this is counteracted by the gravity of the star which tries to make the star collapse inwards. This contraction pushes the particles together again, which increases the fusion, which then pushes the particles outwards again thereby reducing the fusion. And so the process repeats, the surface of the star moving outwards then inwards in a constant pulsation. Now this eventually dampens into a very small amplitude phenomenon, but it’s still enough to cause temperature variations on earth, as again the fusion is greater when the star is contracted, thereby increasing the sun’s output, and less when the sun is slightly expanded as the fusing particles are further apart.

Tracing the earth’s climate through recorded history, the present period is close to 1,000 years. After 4.65 billon years since the sun first formed, the degree of variation in solar output is now less than 1 per cent. The average temperature this far out (at the earth) is about 370 degrees K, indicating a temperature variation due to this effect of just 3 or 4 deg C every 1,000 years.

**** People are great ones for going along with the tribal group-thinking of their peers, and sharing its worries, instead of using their own independent minds, and consequently they will go along with any mistakes their peers make. For example if the polar caps all melt, raising sea levels by 350 feet, the accompanying warming would allow crops to be grown all year round in such vast (but presently frozen) expanses as Siberia and Northern Canada, feeding many times the world’s present population, and the flooding of coastal areas would create 200 years of full employment, worldwide, moving the cities further inland. Higher temperatures in the tropics would be greatly relieved by the air naturally flowing from hot to cold and going off to heat the freezing polar regions. Regrettably, we might say, the sun will not warm us to that extent; instead its cycle will add just a few extra degrees to present temperatures (allowing vineyards to return to northern England), before it cools again as part of its cycle. Even more regrettably, the underlying temperature trend in the 1000-year cycle is actually down, each solar max being slightly cooler than the last, as we slide down towards the next ice age, which in geological terms is due ‘about now’.

***** Actually 71 per cent of the earth’s surface, almost three quarters, is covered by water.

****** It works with the hydrogen bomb, but only because the necessary temperature is created by placing a Hiroshima – type atomic bomb inside the hydrogen bomb, which then acts as a spark to trigger it. We could hardly do that in a power station and it is scientifically impossible to create a tiny atomic bomb to go inside a tiny hydrogen bomb that might be exploded inside a boiler; the smallest scientifically possible atomic bomb’s yield is 10,000 tons of TNT equivalent. Talk about blowing the works. So scientists are trying to obtain the necessary temperatures for clean fusion by firing thousands of intersecting laser beams into tiny pellets of frozen hydrogen. But the energy levels needed for this are stupendous – it’s going to be a long job.


A must see for the more interested reader.

Among its ranks of contributing climatologists, this documentary includes only top professors of climatology, not their subordinates who have been responsible for so much alarm.

The Great Global Warming Swindle - YouTube



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